"Imago Dei"

"Image of GOD"


Our Name

“Imago Dei” is Latin for “image of GOD.”  Creator GOD made us all in His image (Genesis 1:26-31) for relationship: spiritual, intelligent, volitional, morally responsible, emotional. The bad news is that our image has been marred since Adam and Eve rebelled (sinned) against our Creator. The good news is GOD took the initiative to bring us back into relationship by sending JESUS, the express image of GOD (Colossians 1:15-20), to pay the ransom for our reconciliation! He willingly died for our sins on the Cross and was raised from the dead! By GOD’S grace, and through turning from sin and placing faith alone in CHRIST alone, we can be right with GOD and restored to the satisfying relationship He created for us in the first place. In turn, JESUS-followers (rescued sinners) can experience transformation and grow to reflect the likeness—“image”—of GOD in CHRIST (Ephesians 4:24)! This new identity in JESUS yields hope, satisfaction, security and so much more!


Imago Dei is a new non-denominational church, officially launched May 21, 2017, that is geared to be Gospel-centric, multi-ethnic, cross-economic, inter-generational and neighborhood-engaged. Everyone is welcome to a life-changing encounter with JESUS CHRIST, Who embodies grace and truth.

We realize everyone is at a different point in their spiritual journey and we aim to meet you where you are. It's been said that GOD meets us where we're at yet, thankfully, doesn't leave us there but takes us forward! Want to be part of an exciting new work GOD is doing in greater Beverly/Morgan Park parish? Contact us!


To develop passionate followers of CHRIST who make other disciples.


To see Beverly/Morgan Park transformed by the reconciling grace and power of the Gospel, to the glory of GOD.


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